Thursday 10 January 2008
Psi-Magification In Space
From page 2 of File 10081 (a 9 page document)
3. (U) Professor L. Vasilev died in late 1965 or early 1966 and the task of continuing telepathy research was taken by Doctor I. Kogan. Doctor Kogan is chairman of the Bio-Information Section of the Popov Radio and Technical Institute in Moscow. This individual is still trying to wed telepathy to the electromagnetic spectrum (101,102). Discussion as to the existence of telepathy has been bandied about the Soviet Union (103) and elsewhere (104) for some time. For the sake of research the Soviet Union accepts the validity of ESP even though the argument as to the mode of transmission continues. Professor E.K. Naumov (105), Chairman of the Division of Technical Parapsychology at the A.S. Popov Institute mentioned above, conducted long range telepathy tests from Moscow to several other cities. ...
from page 3 of File 10081
4. (U) In 1967, the Soviet Maritime News reported, "Cosmonauts, when in orbit, seem to be able to communicate telepathically more easily with each other than with people on earth. A psi (short for psychic faculty) traning system has been incorporated in the cosmonaut training program," but the News provided no further details. Some informal reports relayed to Ostrander and Schroeder (106) indicate that the Soviets are working on psi systems for space use, involving not just telepathy, but also precognition.
Friday 4 January 2008
The Research & Making sense of the CIA FOIA Documents
In 1995, the formerly classified research into anomalous cognition, energetics, and remote viewing was declassified (at least in part). According to Paul Smith, obtaining the research documents through the FOIA took many years. In 2004, he wrote the full length article linked to at the right. The following excerpt from that outlines the good news (the documents were finally made available) and the bad news (it was nearly impossible to find anything). That bad news was made good news when this blogger meticulously opened each and every file, one by one, and created a hyperlinked annotated index. According to Paul's 2004 article:
The good news is that now, after nine years of waiting, a major portion of the archives of the US Government’s seminal remote viewing program have not only been declassified, but made generally accessible to the public. For well over a year these same documents had been available on a limited basis, but you had to go bodily to the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, sit at a CD-Rom carrel, wait while the CDs were loaded for you, then page through the [15,200] documents one at a time, printing off copies of those you wanted to take with you. It was laborious and maddening...and a crap shoot. The documents were numbered, not titled, there was no comprehensive index, no subject-matter nor chronological organization to help you know where to look or what you might find there. Soon after the Star Gate corpus was installed in the National Archives, CIA remote viewing program founder Dr. Hal Puthoff tried it out, spending the better part of a day and coming away with relatively little (though he did have lunch with Joe McMoneagle). A U.S. News & World Report journalist went to the Archives and ended up with a hodge-podge of documents of which she couldn’t make heads nor tales. In January, 2003 she faxed me a one-inch stack of them and we had to go through them together over the phone while I explained what each was and where it fit into the overall picture.
But now all that has changed. Ninety thousand pages of the Star Gate Archives, making up nearly[15,500] documents can be owned by anyone. As I said before, that’s the good news. But now for the bad news: It is still hard to sort out a very confusing mis-mash of correspondence, research reports, remote viewing sessions, tasking documents, memos, and so on. I just spent four exhausting weeks going through all fourteen disks the CIA provided, which is what it took to even begin to make sense of it all.
What I did was not much more than a skim-job – though I actually laid eyes on perhaps around 8,000 of the total, relatively few of the documents (though still amounting to hundreds) was I able to exam in any great depth. But it was fascinating. ...
It is one thing to hear about this (or, as in my case, remember them in one’s past). It is an altogether different experience to actually see these fascinating documents with one’s own eyes or, printing them out, actually hold hard copies of them in one’s hand to be leafed through and carefully examined. There was a lot to learn that was new even for me. (Paul Smith)
When the CIA released around five percent of the records from the collected projects now known as the STAR GATE program, I bought a program that ripped the multi-page TIF files into web-viewable GIFs, did this in detail, then I resized them all, and uploaded them to the web (at
Unfortunately, the index was a disaster. The filename in the index, if you went to that filename, it wasn’t that record. The file itself, the image, would have a different file number stamped on it. I really wracked my brain about it for awhile, but finally had to conclude there was no way to automate a scripting (such as if all the filenames were offset in the same way).
Depressed, given how much time I spent on it, I left the files just sitting there but without a clickable index.
Meanwhile, it turns out Tamra Temple spent about a bazillion hours (we’re talking months. This is an INSANE amount of work!) going through EVERY SINGLE FILE and renumbering them simply and making a detailed index with notes on content. She put it all in excel so it could be searched, sorted, and you can edit the notes and stuff for your own references.
After that much work on it, she well deserves a little compensation for the effort, and it’s not a bad price for this kind of thing. There’s more info and detail at the new website for it:, check it out!
Thank you, PJ :)And to you the reader, I'd like to add a personal note. The indexing of these documents was a labor of love performed while being displaced by the hurricanes in Louisiana. At the time I began working on them, I believed I would return to my repaired home and the CD logo was "For Humanity." But governments and insurance companies are not as quick to do what needs to be done as one might hope. For example, it's now 2008 and I JUST received a letter from FEMA stating that funds are available for expenses incurred while being displaced. Two years later??? We need a word for an emotion that is a pure mix of laughter and grief. Perhaps it's irony.
So if you are inclined toward research into healing, consciousness, anomalous cognition, or remote viewing, you will find enormous value in the massive content of the Star Gate Interactive Archive. You will also be compensating me for the work I've done in the way that means most to me -- helping me to be "placed" rather than displaced. It's time.
Thanks go to Paul Smith, PJ Gaenir, Hal Puthoff, and Daz Smith whose encouragement, enthusiasm, and support made it possible for the Interactive Archives to be available for purchase online.
Luminescence Phantoms (Bioenergetics in healing and diagnosis )
R. Stepanov (Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor)
Correct diagnosis of a malignant tumor may be given only if during the operation a piece of tissue is taken from the patient for investigation by histological and histochemical methods. However, these methods require great expense, time and labor. Since 1967 work has been going on in the surgery department of the Kuban Medical Institute on the utilization of "high often frequency" photography for the diagnosis of precancerous states and cancerous tumors of the stomach. Together with SO TO Kirlian and V. Kh. Kirlian, a procedure has been developed for obtaining "high often frequency" photographs of sections of some tissues taken from patients that are being operated on. In order to compare the results obtained by the Kirlian method with other methods, we carried out simutaneous histological and histochemical investigations of these same sections. The results of the investigations convinced us of the fact that a clearly defined difference exists between "high often frequency" images of normal and cancerous
The principle advantage of the new method compared with well-known methods is its expeditious nature. Moreover,because of the cancerous tissue can be photographed immediately after the operation and therefore does not have to time to change significantly, it is possible to study the physico-chemical properties of this tissue under the conditions close to the conditions in the living organism. According to the characteristics of the channel of the high often frequency discharge, their geometry and energetic for a deviation from the norm, one may evaluate not only the extent of the tumor process but also the dynamics of the malignant growth. And this is of very great significance in precise diagnosis and consequently in the therapy of cancer.
Second Article of X and Y in the unidentified journal
(No Author Listed)
The principle distinguishing feature of photographing in a field of high often frequency current is the absence of any optical devices. There is also no need in illuminating the object during the photographing process. Therefore, it is very convenient to use the Kirlian method to obtain photographs of surfaces which are difficult to photograph by means of a conventional camera. Engineer V. I. Mikhalevskii and Candidate of Medical Sciences K. N. Mikhalevskaya proposed a special elastic electrode with a light-sensitive layer deposited on its surface. This simple device may be inserted into any cavity in a contracted state. If it is then filled with a current-conducting liquid (water) and connected for a short time to a high often frequency oscillator, it follows that one can obtain a latent image of the entire inner profile of the cavity on the light-sensitive layer. The electrode after having been removed from the water and retracted from the cavity, is again filled with the same quanitity of liquid, developed and fixed, The "three-dimensional" photograph that is obtained provides a possiblity of detailed evaluation of the Vvel:ectrical state" of any spot on the investigated surface.
Existing methods for photographing cavities by means of microminiature multiobjective cameras and special lightguides are very complicated and do not stand up in any way to a comparison with the simple and cheap method of photographing by means of the elastic electrode in a field of high often frequency current. The new method can find application in various fields of medicine -and engineering where it is required to obtain photographs of the synthesis of the objects that are inaccessible to infection.
An original healing method--biostimulation with a beam from a low often powered laser--has been developed at the Kazakh State University by Doctor of Biological Sciences V. M. Inyushin and his associates. Hypertension, bronchial asthma and other illness that are difficult to treat can be treated successfully by this method.
For a rapid evaluation of the physiological state of patients under laser biostimulation, natives of Alma-Ata have developed a special installation whose principle of operation is based on the "Kirlian effect." The bioenergetic processes in the entire organism when it is acted on by various physical factors are evaluated quantitatively on the grass. A new express method for evaluating the physiological state of a person was used not only in medicine but also in biology.
What are the interesting facts that biologists have been able to discover? It turned out that the intensity of the illuminescence is maximal in young plant leaf and minimal in old ones. And at the instant a leaf is torn off an abrupt flare of illuminescence followed by a rapid attenuation is observed. However, if a plant is placed in a constant magnetic field, then the illumescence
intensity decreases, while the duration of the attenuation increases by a factor of two-three. Under these conditions the effect of the reduction of illumenescence as a result of the reaction of a magnetic field is preserved for a long time even in the case when a magnet no longer acts on the living tissue.
The expressed evaluation of the bioenergetic state of living organism is not the only advantage which attract biologists and physiologists to the "Kirlian effect." The new phenomenon which have been discovered still await their explanation.
In assembling these articles materials from the following books
have been used:
"Problems of Bioenergetics," Alma-Ata, 1969, Laurie K. Spee p. 26-28.
"Biostimula'tion by a Laser Beam, and Bioplasma," V. M. Inyushin, et al., Alma-Ata, 1975.
And also articles from the journals "Nauk Zhizn"' ("Science and Life") No. 8, 1974.
"Technik-Molodezhi" ("Engineering for Young People," No. 10, 1974).
Approved.For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500090001-9
Sunday 28 October 2007
Locating Gary Bekkum's reference to telepathy
Such is the case with the file Mr. Bekkum refers to in his article at:
You will find the entire 79 page document entitled "DIA Project Star Gate Research and Peer Review Plan" dated May 1994 listed in the Interactive Archive as file 10644.
You might also want to compare it with the 106 page file of the same title dated June 1994. That file is 10643.
Tuesday 23 October 2007
File of the Week: File 141: The Intelligence Community's (NSA CIA) Interest in Swann & Geller, Puharich and Edgar Mitchell
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-OO787ROO040007003
23 JAN-73
1. Prompted by the 23 JAN 73 Stanford Research Institute (SRI) presentation of experiments with Ingo SWANN and Uri GELLER and by an earlier paper on "Direct Brain Perception /Action" which was prepared by Dr Henry PUHARICH and Captain Edgar MITCHELL, this paper : briefly discusses the background concerning the SWANN-GELLER phenomena; analyzes the three basic questions which are suggested
by these purported phenomena; outlines the author's limited knowledge of the Agency's current position and involvement as regards this field; and makes some basic recommendations concerning possible courses of action.
2. Since stenographic notes were taken during the 23 Jan 73 SRI presentation and since a verbatim record can be obtained from (redacted) of OSI (ext 4035), this paper will not attempt to render an account of the session. It is sufficient to note that the presentation consisted of descriptions, a film, slides and extensive question-and-answer exchanges on SRI's recent and continuing experiments with Ingo SWANN and Uri GELLER- -covering a broad spectrum of purported parapsychological phenomena and focusing particularly on : ESP ("P" in both the perception and projection sense); telekinetics; clairvoyance; and the perturbation/ stressing/distortion of metals and fields of energy by apparently paranormal (paraphysical /parapsychologic al) means.
As presented by the three SRI researchers and their 20 minute film of GELLER, there would appear to have been an incredibly high order of consistent performance in these areas -- IF one accepts as being above reproach both the credentials and the motivation of the SRI representatives and if one accepts the efficacy of their laboratory controls and their statistical analysis of the data.
3. From some of the questioning during the session and remarks overhead later, it was clear that a fair proportion of the approximately 20 observers entertained some doubts concerning controls and/or analysis. But the doubts appeared to be mostly, if not entirely, matters of degree and of personal preference in terms of methodology -- and were tempered by understanding of the relatively short lead-time and facilities
available to SRI. Most of those present appeared to accept, as a working hypothesis, the presence of some undefined paranormal phenomena and none appeared disposed, even privately, to question the honesty of the SRI representatives. My own impressions were that, while GELLER's powers seem to have been attenuated by the laboratory controls (as compared with the claims made ln Dr PUHARICII's paper), substantial indications of some extraordinary power or talent remained. And, for what it may be worth, I felt that the SRI representatives were essentially honest in their approach -- although , being human and in need of financial support to pursue their investigations, perhaps somewhat self-serving in the selection and manner of presentation of their data.
Three Basic Questions for the Intelligence Community
4. The focus of this paper, however, is broader than this one incident. The whole field of paranormal phenomena suggests three pragmatic and fundamental questions to which the intelligence community should address itself:
WOULD there be SIGNIFICANT potential for the intelligence community?
DOES it exist?
WHAT is it?
As posed, the questions may seem too obvious or naive but I believe there is some virtue in initially viewing the issue in these simplistic terms and in that order --i. e., judgement, measurement and theorem. Obviously this break-down is artificial in many respects : for instance, the first question cannot be answered definitively until the last question is answered; and, hopefully, one should construct his approach to the second
question (whether') so as to be obtaining, at the same time, evidence appropriate to the third ('what'). But the paranormal field is so delicate, so suspect and so potentially explosive that only the most orderly of plebian approaches seems likely to survive in the bureaucratic atmosphere--no matter what the 'reality' or the 'evidence' may prove to be. So let us examine these questions in more detail.
5. If we establish to our complete satisfaction that such paranormal phenomena DO exist, would there be SIGNIFICANT potential for application by the intelligence community in the national interest? This question is, I believe, more complex than it appears on the surface. While there is little doubt that (particularly if we consider our defensive responsibilities concerning foreign capabilities in this field) we could safely answer 'yes' in the abstract, we ought to be quite pragmatic about it from the outset. No matter how interesting the field might be to us as individuals or how fraught with significance for society or humanity as a whole, as an Agency our only justification for involvement would be on the basis of demonstrable utility in : the collection or interpretation of 'intelligence' on foreign powers; the recruitment of sources leading to that end; the
conceiving and conducting of physical /psychological/paranormal activities and programs designed to influence or constrain the attitudes /actions /capabilities of foreign powers and/or their leaders to our advantage; or the enhancement of the abilities of our (i. e. loosely 'U.S. ') personnel to accomplish any of the above by heightening their inter- and intra-personal powers--whether in a truly paranormal mode or not. There are several aspects to this overall question.
a. The Purported Powers. Holding in abeyance for a moment the question of 'whether' and limiting the discussion to GELLER (since the most impressive evidence, the film, was on him and since his claimed powers are broader than SWANN's), we have apparent instances of : mind-reading (primarily of perhaps solely numbers and names of cities) with over 90% accuracy and few baulks; mind projection (where he 'forces' the researchers to name a city previously written-down by him) with apparently a high order of accuracy (no statistical data, merely anecdotal); perception of unseen, simple line drawings (apparently 100% accuracy); limited stressing /distortion of metals after prolonged physical contact but evidentally far beyond normal physical powers; limited but consistent (though not, apparently, predictable in nature) effect on electric
and magnetic energy fields when in close (almost touching) proximity to them; long-distance telephone perception of simple designs or letters (anecdotal); detecting presence or absence of metals or water in scaled containers without touching them (100% accuracy and two baulks out of 12 attempts); perception of uppermost die-faces in scaled box on 'double-blind' basis (1001/o accuracy and two baulks in 12 attempts); perception of a road (while driving blindfolded at high speeds), allegedly through the eyes of his heroic companions (anecdotal); and several other anecdotal episodes of similar natures. While it would stretch no one's imagination to create specific operational scenarios (e. g. , recruitment of a given Soviet) in which these manifestations could be highly useful, that would also be true if we were only dealing with a highly skillful
magician. The real question is : IF there is a paranormal force at work here how could we most appropriately and effectively employ it to our long-range advantage?
Because (again, IF) we would then be posed on the threshhold of modes of perception/communication/interaction which transcend our present understanding of physical laws and of man's nature and of a new awareness and discoveries which would dwarf the phenomena ... it is in this context that we should address ourselves to the question of what significance such phenomena might have for our interests--and this can best be done only if related to the most realistic futurology projections of the intel-
ligence community's (read, effectively, the nation's) needs roles/resources /environments in the next 5-to-15 and 15-to-215 -years. Even if GELLER can do what he claims and even if he were a fully cleared staff officer, we would, I submit, be hard-pressed to use him appropriately at the present time. As noted, the question of utility is more complex than it appears on the surface and deserves early and serious thought.
b. Transferability. IF the phenomena exists, its utility for our purposes would be in direct proportion to the degree to which the skills could be learned or the powers acquired or developed by appropriate persons --and the degree to which we could deploy systems for identifying people with the essential attributes. In the hands of a GELLER, certainly, these powers can do us very little good -- and possibly quite a bit of harm. IF the phenomena exist, they must be in some sense (though, perhaps, in a sense which eludes our current frame of reference) a function of man's nature and his environment; that is, the potential must exist in some degree in all men. Just as some men are born color-blind, it might be that some are genetically deprived of their 'psi' sense; and it might also be that the latent capacity is so attenuated in the vast majority as to be effectively useless. But the basic assumption must be that what some men can do other can do. The issue would be : how to identify the latent capacity and how to surface/perfect/control it. For instance, 100% accuracy in ESPing numbers is impressive (even if we are 'only' witnessing hypersensitive voice-box readings) but can this facility be perfected to 'read' attitudes /intents /emotions ? When I asked this question re GELLER the SRI response was 'yes' but they admit that they have not begun to investigate this phenomenon. These and other questions relating to identification and transferability have a direct bearing on the utility question.
c. Control/Predictability/Motivation. Obviously, the phenomena will be useful for our purposes only if there is a certain minimal degree of reliability associated with its functioning at our behest, in our environment and for our purposes. Here we get into the esoteric realm of the 'motivation' of the forces at work and it is diffcult to conceive of such 'forces' having parochial interests - -though it is relatively easy to believe that their agents (GELLER et al ) might be psychologically inhibited by their own subjective attributions in this respect. Indeed, virtually all known mystics (including GELLER and SWANN) have claimed to be affected by motivational auras in their environment. ....... we must (assuming we come to accept the existence of the phenomena) crank this factor into the 'utility' equation.
6. DO we have incontrovertible evidence of the existence of LEGITIMATE (i. e. as -professed paranormal) phenomcna'? There is no doubt that something happens but if we are merely confronted with highly skilled and ingenious practitioners of 'normal, arts there is no broad significance in it for us--although, again, I can easily imagine practical operational uses on a case-by-case basis (and in the event of negative para-normal conclusions this aspect might well deserve limited exploration with the operational elements). In any case, I don't believe that even the SRI representatives would disagree with the statement that we DO NOT have such evidence at this time. Certainly there are highly suggestive indications, particularly in the ESP field (and some provocative possibilities in other fields), but there is no INCONTROVERTIBLE evidence.
And, moreover, as matters now stand, we are not going to get such evidence from SRI. Even if appropriate individuals in the bureaucracy go on record as stating that they fully accept SRI's willingness and competence to institute new and iron-clad control and analysis procedures, the bureaucracy as a whole would not (properly, in my estimation) accept positive findings from them as definitive evidence in a matter of this magnitude. I do not question their honesty but, being so closely identified with the experiments (historically, financially and emotionally), their findings would never, in the final analysis, be accepted as unbiased -- however unbiased they might, in fact, be. If we are serious about the effort we might as well secure ourselves the time and expense of another intermediary step. This doesn't mean that SRI should be cut out of the picture (even if they could be, which is doubtful) but, rather, that we reconsider the nature /mode /degree of our involvement. I see the purposes and options as follows -- and have some reason to believe (though am far from sure) that SRI would follow our lead if we doubled our current investment (ca 52K) in the next project year.
a. Options. Basically, there are two functional options: we can (on an Agency-or community-wide basis) meticulously structure the laboratory controls, the specific nature and sequence of investigations and the precise statistical-analytical procedures and give them to SRI to comply with--with spot-monitoring by our representative(s); or we can, having done our homework, have the procedures carried out under the full-time
supervision of our representative(s) -- either in the SRI installation or (with the SRI representatives) in a more convenient installation of our choice. For the obvious reasons ... leave room for doubt by honest skeptics, the second option is so far preferable as to almost invalidate the 'option' concept. As for the choice of subjects, the project should be sufficiently flexible as to exploit any truly useful ones who become available,-- but the major programmed emphasis should be on SWANN. He is not only more readily accessible and available but he is also, evidently, much easier and more predictable to work with and appears to be genuinely interested, himself, in getting at the root of the phenomena; also, of especial significance for our purposes, his powers seem to have been deliberately cultivated in the recent past and are perhaps more amenable to analysis for that reason. (NOTE: Should SWANN become the focal point this would also provide a more acceptable rationale for SRI's, ostensibly, renting new facilities on the East coast since he resides in New York -- and, although I'm not clear on this, the maintaining of such 'cover' vis a vis SWANN may still be necessary. ) GELLER is neither available (at least not predictably so) nor very cooperative -- and his motivation seems clearly to be image-building and financial rather than scientific. Nonetheless, to the extent that he might be available, carefully thought-out procedures /controls /investigations should be structured
in advance for him. Only a word or so about our representative(s): the need for well-qualified, wholly unbiased and benignly (though hard-headedly) skeptical people is paramount--and it is likely that several representatives (all equally acceptable to their peers) should be used throughout the year on a random - repetitive basis.
b. Purposes. Simply stated, they are to measure 'whether' and to theorize as to 'what'--and, obviously, the series of investigations should be designed so that the two are mutually supportive in a coherent continuum having the characteristics of progressive and rational elimination. Since the details of design would be the subject of exhaustive deliberation by the body which paragraphs 10 and 11 (below) recommend be formed, there is no point in trying to anticipate the substance at this time. But it should be made clear that, in addition to controls /investigation/analyses of the phenomena, a major purpose should also be an exhaustive examination (medical/psychiatric /behavioral/ cognitive /philosophic /biographic) of the subject himself. This is another reason why SWANN is more appropriate for focus.
7. What are the mechanics or the dynamics of the force or natural law lying behind the phenomena (when and if accepted as valid)? Without belaboring the point, this is obviously the crux of the matter -- for only with such understanding will we be able to assess transferability and control and begin to grapple with optimum utility. It might be wiser to stop here, short of science-fiction speculation, but readership that has come thus far is presumably broad-minded enough to take the following in the spirit intended. Let me state simply that I, at the present time, neither believe nor dis-believe in the phenomena -- although I must frankly admit that, like many others, I find myself essentially disposed (philosophically/ emotionally) in favor of the proposition
that what we have so far learned about the nature of man and his environment compares poorly (qualitatively, at least) with what we have yet to learn. Probabilistically, then, I find it easier to believe that there might be phenomena in this general area which we do not understand than that there are not. Whether GELLER and SWANN et al are in control of such phenomena or whether they are even pointing at the right phenomena, is another question. But if one views the long history of reported parapsychological phenomena (so greatly obscured by the cultists and charlatans who have tried to exploit it for both good and bad reasons) it becomes virtually impossible to deny that at least some people to so me degree have or can develop and employ sensory and/or motor energies which are, effectively, paranormal insofaras the normal, individual cannot or does not employ them. That this natural human propensity, the willingness to believe, is the bedrock of the magician's trade I don't deny for one moment--and I am quite prepared to accept the hypothesis that, in part at least, we are being victimized in this respect by GELLER. From the reported data I am inclined to think that this is less likely to be the case with SWANN. In any case I do believe that, if these or other phenomena withstand the rigors of competent scientific investigation, man is bound eventually to perceive that the reality lying behind them is wholly rational. This is not to say that they might not have great mystical or religious significance for mankind but, if so, it will come as a consequence of better understanding
of the reality we now perceive- -as well, perhaps, as the perception of new dimensions of reality. Should this come about, there will be an unprecedented upheaval in the values /affairs /attitudes /relationships of mankind--and, in a crassly parochial sense, those who are on the leading-edge of such new perceptions will be much better prepared to survive the turbulent transition to the new matrices of societal values and organiz-
Limited impressions Concerning Current Community Involvement & Intentions
8., There probably are a number of other Agency or community elements engaged (or, at least, with legitimate interests) in this area but my current understanding of the involvement and/or intentions is as follows:
a. DDP/TSD has made the only substantial investment -- something on the order of a 2k to supplement the early investigations of GELLER and 56k to support SRI for one year (recently begun) of investigations of SWANN; while TSD is reputed to have been impressed by the recent presentations, I have no idea what their short- or long-range hopes /purposes /intentions are or the nature of the precise exploitation they have in
mind. (NOTE: I am having lunch with C/TSD on 26 JAN and may have more insights in these areas afterwards.)
b. DDS&T/OSI : although (redacted) was apparently instrumental in arranging the recent presentation and has apparently dealt with SRI extensively, I believe that OSI has not provided funds for the investigations and does not intend to do so; they see their only legitimate interest as being an analysis of the threat potential in the hands of other powers and do not believe that basic research in this area is consistent with their
c. DDS&T/ORD: I believe that ORD has not provided any funds for the investigations and that its role has been limited to that of interested observers.
d. OMS/Office of Security/Office of Commo all have obvious, though currently marginal, functional interests but have played only monitoring roles thus far and, apparently, have no intention of providing funds.
e. Non-Agency - DOD (ARPA) and NSA are alleged. to have considerable interest in the area and have had some limited dealings with SRI (including the recent presentations) but, despite a number of false starts , have apparently put no funds into the project and do not intend to do so; at least one reason appears to be the difficulty and/or potential embarrassment associated with justifying the expenditures to Congress; ARPA
representatives are said to have stated recently that they accept SRI's motivation but believe they are being 'taken' by GELLER.
9. It is my understanding (per (redacted) that SRI, far from resisting our substantive involvement in the investigations, has 'pled' for the USG to design and run the entire investigative procedure -- certainly as regards SWANN and possibly GELLER as well. But they would, no doubt, want the investigations to be done under their auspices --and, at least until we know more about the attitudes of GELLER/SWANN and
about the cover being employed, this would probably be preferable. One of SRI's problems appears to be the fact that their basic research program is in LASER; the parapsychological involvement seems to have come about largely by chance and any in-depth or prolonged program in this direction could be done only by sacrificing their momentum and commitments in the LASER field. The recent predentations were calculated to determine whether USG interest in the field was great enough to warrant this adjustment--and whether the necessary 50 to 75K would be forthcoming. The SRI representatives are apparently going to remain in the Washington area until 29 January in the hopes that further exploratory discussions are desired.
10. It is recommended that, should further discussions with SRI bear out the above assumptions concerning their willingness to accept our design and controls and the permanent presence of our representative(s), ORD undertake to supply the balance of the funds for a one-year project and arrange with TSD for joint management of the project. (NOTE: There has apparently been some talk, by ARPA and NSA, about a
community-wide consortium for such an undertaking but it is believed that this would be unnecessarily cumbersome -- although community-wide in-put at appropriate stages, see below, would be essential. ) In the event that there is general (ORD/TSD/SRI) agreement in principle, it is recommended that we negotiate for a one or two month delay in the beginning of the project year. This would be essential (even if at some extra cost) so that Agency and community representatives could structure a design for the project year which would satisfy all requirements and, in the event of positive conclusions, be above reproach.
11. It is further recommended that, upon reaching such an agreement, a Parapsych Steering Panel be formed immediately -- with one voting member each (plus optional non-voting observers) from the following elements: DDP/TSD; DDS&T/ORD; DDS&T/OSI OMS; Office of Security; Office of Communications; and each of the following 'hard-target' operational complements: (redacted....) In calling for the establishment of the panel, the chiefs of the various components should be encouraged to designate individuals of appropriate background/interests/temperament.
The panel, chaired jointly (or on a rotating basis) by TSD and ORD, would naturally define its own working procedures but it would be useful to consider establishing immediately a series of Working Groups to prepare basic position papers for the Panel's consideration on a number of areas:
a. laboratory controls to be implemented;
b. the precise nature and sequence of investigations to be run;
c. testing -controls of environment and the individual to be run during the phenomena;
d. medical /behavioral /psychiatric /psychological /biographical testing and research .... investigations;
e. procedures for collecting/ storing /analyzing all statistical data related to the investigations;
f. security procedures;
g. management procedures --e. g. , locale, choice and rotation of supervisors, as well as SOPs for their performance;
h. utility forecasts --e. g. , futurology projections and operational pragmatics.
As soon as the Panel has acceptable working drafts in each of these areas they (perhaps on a relatively selective basis) should be submitted to the appropriate non-agency elements with a legitimate interest and some potential for contribution- -this should probably include (but not necessarily be limited to) NSA and ARPA. External responses to these papers would then be considered by the Panel in the preparation of its
detailed Project Proposal for the consideration of C/ORD and C/TSD (and, as deemed appropriate, higher authority). In the interim, basic and undisputed aspects of the design could be discussed with SRI so that appropriate adjustments could be made in their installation (or, variously, so that a new installation could be found), so that upon approval the investigations could proceed without undue delay. And, finally, the Panel should focus on all likely requirements f or extraordinary experts /gear/facilities that are apt to be encountered during the project and, in an appendix to its basic Proposal, should identify those available (already cleared) and should suggest appropriate action for locating and (in the appropriate cover context) contacting the remainder--so that, at some critical juncture, the entire project won't be stalled for want of reasonable foresight.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0400070031-9
Wednesday 10 October 2007
Highlighted File of the Week -- File 6852
Star Gate Interactive Archive File of the Week
File 6852
Areas of Interest for Cognitive Science
Research and Applications
Regarding Anomalous Cognition And Perturbation
File 6852 of the Star Gate Interactive Archive reveals a paper outlining areas of interest for Cognitive Science Research and Applications. It appears to have been written by Dr. Edwin May, but the author's name is missing.
The author describes two types of Anomalous Phenomena: Cognition and Perturbation. He further divides the Cognition aspect of the research and applications side into three categories: Detector, Transmission, and Source and then lists research areas appropriate to each.
Today I will give an overview of the cognition aspect and leave the perturbation aspect overview for the next blog.
Basic Detector
Central Nervous System
NeuroNet Models
Autonomic Responses
Inter-species Communications
Other Animals
Applied Detector
Other Physiology (Skin)
Personality Definitions (Behavioral/Self-report- Q-Sort/MSTI)
Perceptual Models (Motivation/Emotion)
Selection (Direct/Correlational)
Environment -- Physical (GMF)
Environment -- Psychological (Set and Setting)
Environment -- Physiological (Comfort)
Response Type (Audio/Video/Left hand)
Redundancy (Multiple Pass/Multiple Detections)
Mixed Detector
Internal Noise Source
Training (Macroscopic/Operant)
Session Protocols
Basic Transmission
Decision Augmentation Theory
Worm Holes
Vector/Scalar Potential Propagation
Stochastic Causality
Basic Source
Informational (Entropy/Meaning)
Other Thermodynamic
Vector/Scalar Potential
Applied Source
Human Sender
Demarcation (Coordinates/Beacon)
External Noise Source
Inverse (Search)
Mixed Source
Physical Characteristics (Size/Composition)
Type (Static/Dynamic)
One-in-"n" (Forced Choice/Binary)
To read the entire document, see File 6852 on Volume D of your Star Gate Interactive Archive set. If you don't have the archive collection, you can find it at